Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekly Letter

June 19, 2009
Dear Kids,
I can't believe the school year is almost over. What an adventure it has been. Why, if it hadn't been for you, I might never have become famous in the blogosphere. I will miss you and your comments full of wisdom and, in the case of Agent 86, sarcasm.
I am curious. What has been your favorite part of second grade? What advice about what to expect in second grade do you have for this year's first graders ? What will you miss most? To what are you looking forward in third grade? And, what are your summer plans?
I myself will be enormously busy this summer. (And, no fat jokes about the word "enormously" please.) I plan to spend a lot of time napping in sun beams, followed with more naps next to my food dish, followed with more food, followed by naps, then food, then more food, then naps. I like to end my busy days with a senseless, wild rampaging romp tearing mindlessly around the apartment before I collapse in some random spot. Miss R. always seems to be trying to figure out why I tear about the apartment for several minutes like a Tazmanian Devil every night. The funny thing is.....there is no reason. I just like to keep her guessing!
PS Have a great summer!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Junies!

Miss Rotz informs me that quite a few of the kids in Room 203 have birthdays this month. I can't believe so many of you are turning 8! Soon you won't be Human Kittens anymore. Tell me. How do Human Kittens celebrate their birthdays? I'm curious as a cat. (Get it?) Do you eat yummy tuna-salmon birthday cakes? Do you get new catnip toys? Do your friends come over and take naps in the sun? Even if you're birthday isn't this month, I'd love to read about your best birthday ever!

PS A very special Happy Birthday to Kai in Mrs. M's class. Kai turned 10 yesterday. Double digits, way to go!