Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dedicated to Student #3

This is for everyone to enjoy, even though it's way past Easter, but it's especially for C.B. who often asks to see the
Chocolate Bunny Attack! @ Yahoo! Video
">Attack of the Chocolate Bunnies

Friday, May 15, 2009

Weekly Letter

May 15, 2009

Dear Kids,

How was Young Authors Day? I'm so glad it finally came. YAD is one of Miss R.'s favorite days of the school year, and she has been impossible to live with these last few weeks because she was so anxious for it.
Which of the three sessions did you like the best and why? Which is your favorite book Ted Arnold? Hmmmm....I've just reading them myself, so I'll have to get back to you on which book I like best.

A Relaxing Start to the Weekend

Aaaah.....there is nothing, and I mean nothing, like the sweet smell of a sweaty shoe fresh off the feet of your favorite human. Thank goodness, Miss R. has such big feet so I can cram my head completely inside her favorite footwear and get a full, relaxing whiff. Heaven.
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